Morris Traversal

Tree traversal algorithm without stack or recursion.


Morris Traversal is a tree traversal algorithm that does not use a stack or recursion. In the algorithm, links between different nodes are temporarily created, and are reverted upon traversal to restore the original tree.


Given a node root of a tree, perform an inorder traversal of the tree without using a stack or recursion.


  1. Initialize curr as root.
  2. While curr is not null:
    • If curr.left is null:
      • Print curr’s data.
      • Continue right, set curr as curr.right.
    • Else:
      • In the left subtree, make curr the right child of the rightmost node.
      • Continue left, set curr as curr.left.


def inorderTraversal(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> List[int]:
    res = []
    curr = root
    while curr:
        if not curr.left:
            curr = curr.right
            prev = curr.left
            while prev.right and prev.right != curr:
                prev = prev.right

            if not prev.right:
                prev.right = curr
                curr = curr.left
                prev.right = None # recovers the tree (optional)
                curr = curr.right
    return res


Time Complexity

$O(n)$: It might appear at first that the time complexity is $O(nlogn)$, given that finding the predecessor nodes for each node seems to take $O(logn)$, proportional to the height of the tree. However, finding all the predecessor nodes can be found in $O(n)$ time. Thus, the overall time complexity will be $O(n)$, with one pass to find all the predecessor nodes, and another pass to process all the nodes.

Space Complexity

$O(1)$: No extra space is used besides the node pointers which use constant space.


The following section explains some of the motivation behind the Morris Traversal algorithm, and is inspired by its Wikipedia page.


In The Art of Computer Programming, Donald Knuth speculated about the existence of a non-recursive algorithm for in-order traversal, which uses no stack and leaves the tree unmodified. Such an algorithm would prove useful for a hypothetical scenario involving traversing an infinite binary tree, which would be unable to be traversed using the typical recursive or stack-based algorithm.

A solution to this is tree threading, which was presented by Joseph M. Morris in 1979.

Threaded Binary Tree

A threaded binary tree is a variation of the classic binary tree which facilitates traversal by incorporating threading links which point from certain nodes to others.

A binary tree is threaded by making all right child pointers that would normally be null point to the in-order successor of the node (if it exists), and all left child pointers that would normally be null point to the in-order predecessor of the node.

Certain use cases arise from the need of different traversal orders; for example, a tree may have nodes representing people and is sorted by names, but have extra threads which allow for quick traversal in order of birth date, or other characteristics.
